The lower power means it should run (without any hats) with the power supplied from a laptop. A recent update to the Raspberry Pi 4 bootloader not only enables the low power mode for the USB hardware, allows the enabling of Network boot and enables data over the USB-C port. In the middle of the System tab you will see the option to boot to Desktop or to CLI. Click Menu (top-left of the screen) and then Preferences and then Raspberry Pi Configuration.* loglevel: Set to _logging.INFO* to see the detailed calibration calculations and _logging.DEBUG to see register operations (optional). address: The I2C address of the INA219, defaults to 0x40 (optional). This document is linked from eLinux wiki page which lists compatible Raspberry Pi WiFi adapters: busnum: The I2C bus number for the device platform, defaults to auto detects 0 or 1 for Raspberry Pi or Beaglebone Black (optional). Read about 'Raspberry Pi WiFi adapter testing' on.First find the Z-Wave USB device, on your Raspberry Pi you can list the USB devices using the following command: $ ls /dev/ttyACM* If you have more than one device and you don’t know which one is the Z-Wave USB stick you can either try one at a time or unplug all other USB device and list the USB devices again.